Friday, March 5, 2010

pictures to decorate ur baby room 2

pictures to decorate ur baby room 1

Decorate Your Room with Special Taste


Making a romantic and warmth of home may the dream for us. However, have you already made the plan on your house decoration? Do you want to add some special taste to your room by yourselves? Now it is the chance for you to buy handicrafts to embellish your room.
Chinese knots: They are the traditional handicraft art and typical symbol in China. Chinese knots which are all purely hand-weaved with silk thread have variety types and designs. Each knot has its special name base on their distinctive shapes. One important is that Chinese knots have many significations in China, like love, auspicious, good luck, wealth, health, etc. Hanging on walls or doors all will reflect your elegant taste and they will add more culture in your house. If you are newlywed, I think hanging a Chinese wedding knot in your house will better.
Chinese peasant paintings: It is sure that if we want to decorate our house, some paintings will be necessary. Facing great numbers paintings in the stores, you may feel dazzling. Here, I advice Chinese peasant paintings.
Chinese peasant paintings all depict the village life of China, and reflect a kind of peace, harmonious and enthusiasm for life among people. They are most created by Chinese farmers or folk artists, therefore, the Chinese peasant paintings have greet differences between others. Hanging on the wall they will become special scenery in your house.
Wheat stalk pictures: Wow, I think this kind of handicraft is a miracle for me! Each of them no matter the design on animals or characters was weaved with wheat stalk but present vividly and perfectly! Wheat stalk pictures are the intelligence reflection. After mounting technique hanging in your living room or bedroom they also can become the highlight of your room.
Chinese shadows: They are the main properties in the Chinese traditional entertainment-Shadow play. They can not only ornament house as special decoration but also play to active brain and increase art cells.
Need more information or have a look on these handicrafts? Come to our online handicrafts store, here we not only offer the handicrafts we mentioned above but offer many other handicrafts which can be as decoration or other functions you like.

About the Author

Copyright (c)Chinese Handicrafts Team. Largest selection of Chinese handicraft gifts for sale, such as Chinese knots, Chinese Paper-Cutting, cloth art & embroidery, shadow puppet, straw plaiting, etc. With profound historical culture, they are the best handmade Chinese crafts & gifts or ornaments. We assure you of our Best Services at all times.

(ArticlesBase SC #1773435)

Article Source: - Decorate Your Room with Special Taste

Sunday, January 18, 2009

اجمل 37 جملة

أجمل 37 جملة
= = = = = = = = =
1- إذا لم تعلم أين تذهب , فكل الطرق تفي بالغرض
2- يوجد دائماً من هو أشقى منك , فابتسم
3 - يظل الرجل طفلاً , حتى تموت أمه , فإذا ماتت ، شاخ فجأة
4- عندما تحب عدوك , يحس بتفاهته
5 - إذا طُعنت من الخلف , فاعلم أنك في المقدمة
6 - الكلام اللين يغلب الحق البين
7 - كلنا كالقمر .. له جانب مظلم
8 - لا تتحدى إنساناً ليس لديه ما يخسره
9 - العين التي لا تبكي , لا تبصر في الواقع شيئا
10 - المهزوم إذا ابتسم , افقد المنتصر لذة الفوز
11 - لا خير في يمنى بغير يسار
12 - الجزع عند المصيبة , مصيبة أخرى
13 - الابتسامة كلمة معروفة من غير حروف
14 - اعمل على أن يحبك الناس عندما تغادر منصبك , كما يحبونك عندما تتسلمه
15 - لا تطعن في ذوق زوجتك , فقد اختارتك أولا
16 - لن تستطيع أن تمنع طيور الهم أن تحلق فوق رأسك و لكنك تستطيع أن تمنعها أن تعشش في رأسك
17 - تصادق مع الذئاب ... على أن يكون فأسك مستعداً
18 - ذوو النفوس الدنيئة , يجدون اللذة في التفتيش عن أخطاء العظماء
19 - إنك تخطو نحو الشيخوخة يوماً مقابل كل دقيقة من الغضب
20 - كن صديقاً , ولا تطمع أن يكون لك صديق
21 - إن بعض القول فن .. فاجعل الإصغاء فناً
22 - الذي يولد يزحف , لا يستطيع أن يطير
23 - اللسان الطويل دلالة على اليد القصيرة
24 - نحن نحب الماضي لأنه ذهب . ولو عاد لكرهناه
25 - من علت همته , طال همه
26 - من العظماء من يشعر المرء بحضرته أنه صغير
ولكن العظيم بحق هو من يُشعر الجميع في حضرته بأنهم عظماء
27 - من يطارد عصفورين يفقدهما جميعاً
28 - المرأة هي نصف المجتمع وهي التي تلد و تربي النصف الآخر
29 - لكل كلمة أذن , ولعل أذنك ليست لكلماتي , فلا تتهمني بالغموض
30 - كلما ارتفع الإنسان , تكاثفت حوله الغيوم والمحن
31 - لا تجادل الأحمق , فقد يخطئ الناس في التفريق بينكما
32 - الفشل في التخطيط يقود إلى التخطيط للفشل
33 - قد يجد الجبان 36 حلاً لمشكلته ولكن لا يعجبه سوى حل واحد منها وهو ..الفرار
34 - شق طريقك بابتسامتك خير لك من أن تشقها بسيفك
35 - من أطاع الواشي ضيَع الصديق
36 - أن تكون فرداً في جماعة الأسود خير لك من أن تكون قائداً للنعام
37 - لا تستحِ من إعطاء القليل فإن الحرمان

Friday, January 16, 2009


Day after day
Whoever is reading these papers now please, do not say that I am crazy. What I handled and put up with was not easy at all. Twenty years were enough, and enough is enough. Right now I will commit suicide, but after you all know what makes me do this. Read and learn from my mistakes. Read and know that all sons and daughters are devils, and I mean literally devils.

I once had a baby called Nick. I am quite sure now that I was on the right track to call him this damned name. My whole life was not easy at all; poverty was after me in insistence which is not related to any natural aspect. Poverty itself is not a curse unless it is associated with bad luck. Oh my God! Bad luck was following me like a hungry homeless man follows delicious junk food with his eyes and nose. It was foolishness not to relate this with the new family member, but I took all those issues with open arms, and welcomed all these omens in my house.

When Nick was at eight years old, his mother was trying to prevent him from playing with matches. It is ordinary to happen between every mother and son, and it is a common scene to find in every house in any country. The thing which was far from ordinariness that a child sets fire next to her body while she was sleeping. Yes, it happened and I was lying next to her. I woke up on the sound of burning and screaming and a tremendous pain in my right arm. My right arm as well was on fire. I was in a state of extreme confusion, but my animal instinct for surviving acted involuntary. Nick was just standing with the match box in his hands and starring without any facial expressions at us. I luckily helped myself but I could not help my poor helpless wife. Her blessed body then was nearly without a precise figure, especially under this weak light of night.

At the age of eleven till now he had become the laziest child in the world. He was just passing every year, like sloth bear he was, not working for achieving anything. I used to wake him up with screams and bomb explosion, but he was used to walking away of my face without even saying the morning greeting. It was like he does not care whether today is Armageddon or not. Every single day I used to fight with him to oblige him to go to school, and after school to do his homework, and after homework to study, then after studying to go to bed early. Did I succeed? Hell no! My suffering continued day after day and I was fighting my psychological circumstances to survive.

This strange and killing life continued till he joined college, and he stopped at this point. He was neither studying nor trying to socialize with people. He got fired and I became his only support in life. At least he should have respected this, but simply he did not. Why? Because he does not want to. He is living in his own world which I imagine nothing less than Dante's hell, or Riddick's underverse. Strangely, without metallic music or an upside down cross. This too was driving me mad. He should determine what he is.

That is all, I know you are calling me psycho now, but you have never been in my shoes. I hope you would never feel what I have felt throughout those twenty long years, raising that dirty pig. I am on the roof now, standing at the edge. Yes, I can see him in the street, strolling, not even caring about the crowd who are watching me. Now, I am going to a ride, hope not to see you in hell, but I am sure I will see my Old Nick after I would let him suffer his whole life. He would not suffer from sadness on his father, but from finding no way to get his own food. And in hell, I will be pleasing my burning eyes watching him melting down and turning to ashes.
written by MUSTAFA ADEL

article (FOR ALL OF US)

For All of Us
For things that are less real than everything but seem extremely real. For things that fill our life and we think it is essential. For all the stuff that keeps us occupied, and we waste our time on it. For things that we close our eyes and imagine them. For the things that we had sleepless nights because of it. For the things that we lost our friends because. For the things that made us regret what we have done when someone dies. For the things that we are excited at and when we get it we find -after some time- how boring it is. For the things we ignore our principles for, and turn blind eye to the consequences. For the things that our heart beats furiously as it knows that the body it possesses does this. For the things that we say imagining that we became mature enough to say it. For the things that are hollow but so big that we admire it. For the things that we do and we are confident that they are right because, simply, we didn’t question ourselves about the matter. For the things that had the power to make the most powerful emotions very mean. For the things that makes us with no roof above and very vulnerable for lightening. For the things that happened, happens and will happen because we don’t want to search for the truth. For the things that turn the most important creature on Earth less significance than a dead worm. For the things that turn our brain cells that supposed to keep working for what is good into a reception for wastes. For the things that convince us that freewill is just a beautiful myth used to be told by ancient poets. For the things that keep whispering in our ears that there is no such desire calls for feeding the soul. For the things that set a law that says, "Limits is within you". For the things that smells good, delicious but deadly poisonous and we eat them. For the things that became natural in our daily life and we don’t want or afraid to discuss because we don’t want to eliminate them from our lives. For the things that made hell looks like heavens and heavens are much more torturing than hell. For the things that I am calling them things because they deserve nothing of what we are sacrificing for. For the things that makes some men mentioned after death because they are exactly like them: hollow shells, while those who really can give our life a meaning sinks in the Seas of The Forgotten. For the things that make us say out loud, "Why are we here?" and we don’t find an answer. For the things that make the absolute truth something we laugh about. For all those things that is ruining lives around me I say, "Enough is enough. Your time is out."

I am sure that every one of us had experienced at least one of these things. I am also sure that it is possible to kill those things. I know it is not an easy task. I know it would take a lot of time and effort, and we might be considered as freaks. I know that we would miss those things. Still, I am completely positive that our life would be better without those things.
written by MUSTAFA ADEL


copied fom "know more coz no more"
Things men never know about women
1- She is faithful 100% more than him (but take care enak te7'no2ha… she is 100% worse).
2- Her heart has only one room for ONE man ….. But if he is out, he never gets back there any more…however; his heart is a 5 star hotel for everyone! But who takes his favorite suite!
3- If she said "I love you", it's accompanied by tears in her eyes and a real smile. But he would just give her a hug as amax, and his love word would be in an sms, cuz he already has it saved in his drafts folder!
4- She can dream of him every night, but he just sleeps cuz he is really tired from work!
5- She can see him everywhere, smell his perfume, and listen to the song that he loves and smile… how romantic! In return, all he wants is to go out to see his friends!
6-the word 'ba7ebek' can make her fly.
7- "Baby I miss u", can make her cry.
8- She can stay thinking of him for hours. Just the thought makes her heart pounds with happiness!
9- She can talk like him….just like him, cuz of her deep love for him!
10- He can make her a queen, just by getting her chocolates.

it is about love ,for GIRLS

copied from "know more coz no more"
So true
It is about love for u girls
-If aman wants you, nothing can keep him away, if he doesn't want you , nothing can make him stay.
-Stop making excuses for aman and his behavior.
-Allow your intuition to save you from heartache.
-Slower is better.
-Never live your life for aman before you find what makes you truly happy.
-If a relationship ends because the man was not treating you as you deserve then heck no, you can't "be friends" a friend wouldn't mistreat a friend.
-Don't settle if you feel like he is stringing you along, then he probably is.
-Don't stay because you think "it will get better" you'll be mad at yourself a year later for staying when things are not better.
-The only person you can control in a relationship is you.
-Always have your own set of friends separate from his.
-Maintain boundaries in how aguy treats you.
-If something bothers you, speak up.
-Never let aman know everything ,he will use it against you later.

Tuesday, January 13, 2009


I was sitting next to him in the stadium rows. He is my fiancé if you do not know. I could not believe what he was doing to me; he told me that he is preparing an enormous present for me. With my silly mind I waited curiously, trying to guess what would it be. Finally, he came with two tickets to a football match. I was shocked, because I told him over and over that I hate football matches, so I concluded that he wanted to tease me. Helplessly I went with him, and was sitting next to him in the stadium rows.

The match had not started yet, and few people were moving here and there. You have no idea, how angry I was to see him sitting calmly, hands in his pocket, staring at the playground which was full of superstars warming up. He did not talk to me, not even turned his charming eyes towards me.

After a few moments I saw familiar faces, people I knew and others I did not. Some of my friends, rather old friends came and saluted me as if they expected to see me. Some of his friends too were there. I searched the whole stadium with my sharp eyes to glimpse my parents and my two brothers. The most amazing thing that the seats which were around us were empty. I grabbed his hand suddenly and asked, "Have you invited all those people to your stupid match?" he did not look at me, but said in Avery low voice "sort of," can all this be a coincidence?

The stadium now was full of both familiar and unfamiliar faces. I decided to bear the coming ninety minutes somehow. The match was going to start in a few seconds, but I heard words from the huge megaphones that I will never forget till my dying day :"hi everybody, I am happy to be here, are you happy to be with us ?" and all the crowd shouted in strange excitement. The sound continued saying," for all the football fans, and others, the match will begin right now, but before it and for the reason that most of you have came for, please stand up and shout for our victims in love."

Those words were weird and were not understandable, but when I looked towards him and saw him in the well known position of proposing, and holding a superb ring in his hands, I could not prevent myself from jumping up and down. The whole stadium, the players even the megaphone was saying:" Accept. Accept. Accept ……." How in the hell am I supposed to say no?!!!!!
written by MUSTAFA ADEL


My beloved chair is always there. People say that I am a psycho, and obsessed with this chair, maybe they are right. Others say that I appreciate antiques considering this poor chair a precious antique. I do not know. I simply like this chair, no, no, I actually love this chair. Reasons for this strange bond between a man and a lifeless thing are many; still they are not strong enough. Let me tell you the story of this chair.

As far as I can remember, I remember the uncomfortable wooden chair on which my mother used to make me stand on in order to help me wear my clothes. Back then I was occupying myself by tapping my feet till she finishes. That was a long time ago, but I can clearly remember when I was sitting alone and hungry. I was not able to reach the cake plates high up on the shelf. The chair was there; it did not move but called silently for me to use it. I used the wooden thing to reach the tasty food and kept on eating till I became full. From this time on, I began to love the chair.

I also remember when my father fainted on it, and I left him in the caring hands of my mother to run and fetch the doctor. Unfortunately, when I reached home we realized what happened from the crowd outside, and the lamenting voice of my mother. These violent cries told me that dad will continue his life in another world.

I was fourteen years old, one year after my father's death. Suddenly my mom slipped and hit her head against the frame of this monster. It took no time till her blessed blood spread allover the floor. It was not a simple injury; there were no drops but a bid spot of blood that kept growing wider and wider. My throat decided to interrupt my gaze at that scene with a high scream. I forgot all about his advantages and began to consider it an omen, but I did not remove it from my house. For real I was afraid of touching it.

Day after day I re-loved it after a strange but a simple accident. A thief entered the house while I was sleeping. The accident -lucky me- made him hit his leg against the chair because of the darkness. I woke up to find him standing in front of me with a clasp knife in his hand, and an enormous grin revealing his damaged yellow teeth. Of course, I was frightened and did not know what to do. The chair silently, as before, gave me the answer. So, I ordered my leg to hit the chair in order to hide the midsection of that scary thief. Believe it or not it worked, and I took the chance by holding the chair with both hands giving the lying body powerful wallops by the chair. I caused him a lot of pains. However, the chair got out of the fight as a winner with no damages at all.

It saved my life and I was very grateful to it. I remember when I used to be ill with nobody by my side carrying my medicines except it. Why should I refer to the chair as an It? He is my friend, a very faithful friend. His usual place next to the window used to tell me the time through his shadow. He never obliged to carry my weight on his thin and strong four legs. The reason of death is something divine; it is inexplicable, because the wisdom of this action is not for our narrow minds to understand. But, I do believe that without this chair I would have been dead. It was the tool of my salvation. Now, I am sure that I want to die sitting in this uncomfortable wooden chair.
written by MUSTAFA ADEL

ما هو حرفك؟؟؟؟

هذه كل الحروف العربية , فما رايك ان تطلع عليها , وان تبحث عن نفسك بينها .. الامر ينطبق على الذكور والاناث ..
اذا كان اسمك يبدا باحد هذه الحروف النارية :
" أ , ه , ط , م , ف , ش , ذ "
فأن صاحبها معجب بنفسه , عصبي ,نشيط وحيوي, متكبر , مثالي في مواقفه, ذكي وعاطفي.
أما إذا كان يبدأ بأحد .. الحروف الترابية:
" ب, و , ي , ن , ص , ث , ض "
فأن صاحبها متواضع , طيب القلب, صبور, رزين, ولديه وفاء في عواطفه.

أما الحروف الهوائية:
" ج , ز , ك , س , ق , ت , ظ "
فأنه عطوف , متأمل وخيالي, بحاجة الى الحب والرومانسية, سريع التأثر.

أما الحروف المائية:
" د , ح , ل , ع , ر , خ , غ "
فأنه صاحب خيال واسع , بسيط , حسن التصرف, كريم.
فأي من الحروف انتم ؟

Monday, January 12, 2009

copied from (


Vases are like rooms within themselves; they are what houses the flower or object. If you think of vase in this way, it frees up the mind to come up with new, creative ways of furnishing it. It is not necessary to fill vessels and vases with fresh flowers and greenery. You can fill a vase with white sand and coral or with nothing more than a coil of natural rope, it not only looks fabulous, but is ideal in less-used areas of the home, such as a guest suite or in a vacation home where it would be impractical to maintain fresh flowers.
Vases of colored glass are beautiful in their own right and need nothing in them. Glass of different hues is the perfect way of introducing small amounts of color into an otherwise neutral room, they give an interesting contrast.
When you find vases you love for their own sake, rarely fill them with flowers but leave them empty. Wonderful hand blown glass vessels, for example, have such a beautiful organic shape in their own right they need nothing else added. You have to make a simple choice as to where you want the eye to fall: on the flowers or on the vase. Vessels come in many different textures, making them perfect for introducing textural contrast.
The rule of thumb you can use when choosing flowers for your interiors is either to buy a lot or a little, and this naturally influences the choice of a vase. You need something large for dramatic flowers with star quality and long stems, but you also need containers on a much more modest scale. If you find a good shape-such as a clear box, globe bowl, test-tube vase or tall cylinder-then buy them in quantity. One rose bud in a test-tube will go unnoticed, but a row of ten becomes a striking installation piece.

Friday, January 9, 2009


Use mirrors to open up a space and make it look larger and make sure that the mirror is reflecting something appealling to look at , an attractive chandelier in the living room, an attractive landscape, which will bring the vibrant energy of a garden...
Mirrors have many curative uses. Mirrors should never distort or cut into the image of a person...
Mirrors are useful in small spaces where they apparently double the size of the area. Large mirrors will make a room feel much larger.
Increase the light

They are also useful in dark spaces where you want to reflect as much of the available light back into the the room as possible. This applies to basement apartments or a room that only receives northern light.You may be able to strategically place a mirror so that natural light from a window is reflected back into a dark area of the room or a stagnant corner.



Use silk and/or fresh flowers to add color, vibrancy and life to a room and place the flowers in a beautiful vase or jug.
Not everyone has the same taste in flowers. Yet everyone gives and receives them from time to time- a bouquet to show appreciation for services rendered, some roses in thanks for a dinner invitation, violets as a sign of friendship, lilacs to suggest budding love, floral arrangements for festive occasions.
Giving flowers is not only the most popular way to express a desire to please, it is the surest way to succeed. What other gift is so likely to be understood and even appreciated in even the most sensitive circumstances?
There in lies the true virtue and perhaps power of flowers- a pretty bouquet can say it all, congratulations and condolences, appreciation and respect, or deep attachment and true affection extending as far as love, for which flowers are known to work wonders. When it comes to love, flowers are not a small affair.
As Valentine's day approaches, hordes of lovers are stirred and armies of florists storm flower markets in every major city of the world. Women are delighted by a gift of flowers, claiming to prefer it to any other present, far ahead of dainty lingerie or chocolate. Not only are women the first to receive flowers, they are first to buy them.
Above all, however, women buy flowers for themselves, for their home.
" Fill the home with flowers and greenery, which sanitize the dwelling. Nothing embellishes a house better than this fresh, varied finery. It is the most charming of luxuries, the highest elegance."


Copied from (
Lighting creates ambience and makes a room welcoming. Good lighting enables activity, enhances color, and gives a room a sense of warmth and life. Lighting can fill a dark corner, lift a low ceiling, camouflage a dark angle, or brighten up a gloomy room. We are always seeking balance, so we don't want to over-light or under-light any area.
Light fixtures also bring fun and fashion to a space. One of the keys to creating a comfortable and flexible room is to layer the lighting. There are three kinds of lighting to consider. Use a mix ambient, task, and accent lighting to delineate different zones. Choose light fixtures and lamps that add character to your decor.

copied from (

Copied from (
Candles are widely available in many different shapes, colors, and sizes. Choose a color that you think works with your ceremony, and ideally buy ones that are scented with essential oils.
Candle colors link to your aspirations. You can bring in some basic color therapy when choosing the candles to use in your clearing ritual. The warmer or cooler vibrations of the various colors will create a different feel to the room being cleansed; choose one that achieves the effect you desire.
Candles are wonderful energizers, which have a long religious history: temples and churches have the uplifting glow of candles in them, and visitors will often light a candle to dedicate to a loved, deceased relative. In the home the positive, energy of candles will revitalize a room's atmosphere.
Choosing candles: candle colors link to your aspirations. You can bring in some basic color therapy when choosing the candles to use in your clearing ritual. The warmer or cooler vibrations of the various colors will create a different feel to the room being cleansed; choose one that achieves the effect you desire.
• Red: a warm stimulating color that encourages physical activity; it can also revive passion in the bedroom.
• Orange: a creative color to enliven a room and bring in joy and enthusiasm
• Cinnamon: a stable, grounding color that will harmonize a room.
• Yellow: a mentally stimulating color that can help arouse lively conversations or increase concentration.
• Green: a harmonizing color that brings balance, soothes the emotions, and offers security and protection.
• Blue: a calm, cool color that engenders feelings of peace, particularly in the bedroom.
• Purple: a soothing, intuitive, and psychic color, used for cleansing meditation rooms and bedrooms.
• White: the color of purity; it gives protection and comfort.
• Gold: the color of abundance and understanding.
• Silver: the color of the moon; a balancing color that encourages change and learning.

from (

Rugs can be purchased in varying sizes and shapes and in varying materials and costs can range from inexpensive to very costly. A quick and easy way to add color, texture, warmth and character to a room is to place an area rug within a room. Rugs create intimacy, feeling of coziness and create a focal point to establish a color direction in a room.

There are antique rugs, and there are new ones that are made using traditional patterns and motifs. An antique rug is technically at least 100 years old, althou an 90-year-old rug may be considered an antique. A semi-antique rug is 40 to 70 years old and generally is not as valuable. An antique rug is an investment and the condition should be carefully examined before buying-one in good condition will increase in value over time. Older rugs are made by hand and show irregularities that add character and originality. New rugs can also be made by hand or else by machine. Reproduction rugs are available in many different styles. Area rugs are traditionally made from wool, silk, or cotton.